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On Dependable Damsels

I met a long lost friend yesterday evening in Mumbai.
She has not changed.
Yes, she has grown in years, got married, and her roles at work have tripled. However, she remains the same person I first met four years ago. If I were to describe her in one word, the word would be "dependable." Her thoughts, words, and actions seem to be well coordinated and always.
For example, if she thought about helping a person, she would let the person know, and all her consecutive actions would be such that the person was indeed helped. She is humane and a blessing, but yes, she also does make a personified version of the word.

So what qualifies a person as dependable?
Well, that depends. Accountable, committed, consistent, faithful, responsible, truthful, and trustful are some of the traits that I can think of that did encourage me to depend on her.
Dependable people are honest. I am certain that if my friend was reading this post, she would let me know that some of the traits I have listed above may not apply to her.
Dependable people are warm. Although the place where we met had air conditioning, I was still sweating!
Dependable people have a wonderful sense of humor that perhaps helps them take difficult situations in their stride.
Finally, the best quality of dependable people is that they do not change. They simply get better!

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