I must confess that I have difficulties in communicating my thoughts to a woman. In a conversation, I still struggle on knowing when and whether I should use the word "cost-effective" or "cheap," with a success rate of a meagre 40%. I always mean "cost-effective," but mistakenly say "cheap" not only because it saves on letters and is more concise but also because it's in accordance with the KISS (Keep it short and simple) principle (... 5-4-3-2-1 ... Hey, please stop thinking, I need your attention here.) in design engineering. I sometimes have to think like a woman only so that I am understood by a woman.
I must admit that thinking like a woman is difficult and exhausting.
Women are graceful, gentle, caring, loving, concerned, particular, patient, kind, and thoughtful.
I thought of thinking like a woman for a day. I fell ill the very next day. Experiments in Claylanguage do come at a price. I thought I should share...
However, you need to be man enough and ready to think like a WOMAN!
I must admit that thinking like a woman is difficult and exhausting.
Women are graceful, gentle, caring, loving, concerned, particular, patient, kind, and thoughtful.
I thought of thinking like a woman for a day. I fell ill the very next day. Experiments in Claylanguage do come at a price. I thought I should share...
It's easy to know the sex of an author by his or her works.Aim: To think like a woman in order to be understood by women.
Procedure: Think (like a woman).
Ethical considerations: None needed; none obtained.
Result: Fell ill on post-thought day 1.
Conclusion: Further thinking is required to think whether to resume or stop thinking like a woman.
However, you need to be man enough and ready to think like a WOMAN!
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