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The Woman who inspired me

to write at home - Mother
to write at school - Kindergarten teacher
to write for a cause - Grand mother
to write in Hindi - Grand aunt
to write with a paintbrush - Art teacher
to write essays - 7th Grade teacher
to write as a hobby - 8th Grade teacher
to write in French - 8th Grade teacher
to write for Unity & Peace - Mother Teresa
to write in German - College professor
to write to be published - Sister
to write to be read - Church friend
to write to be heard - College friend
to write by experimenting - Head of Dept.
to write using a personal style - Supervisor
to write for international readers - Colleague
to write at work - Supervisor
to write a blog - Colleague
to write humor - Layla

Yes, behind every successful man, there was, is, and will be a woman.

Wishing You A Very Happy Women's Day!

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