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Mold the Earth

The time for making new resolutions has dawned. These last few days in December are filled with moments of introspection and hours of reflection.

Living at the rate of 60 seconds per minute and making these seconds count in adding greater value to life are a couple of small resolutions. Pondering on speeches that enabled change and contemplating on movements that changed world history are two methods to simplify the process of making big resolutions; however, both methods do not enable the keeping of the big resolutions that they had initially inspired. Improvement begins with determination and is maintained by the constant resolve to be better than the person one was the previous day.

The abstractness involved in the aim to change the world confounds me. In order to guide and influence growth and development by giving change a definite form, I would consider a phrase “to mold the earth” as a resolution for 2011. Molding the earth is similar to playing in the sand and building sand castles; the simplicity of the phrase would make it a resolution difficult to break.
Happy New Year 2011!

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