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Meeting One Soul Twice

To work today I took a different route,
The destination being the same.
A long lost soul on the bus I met.

We had not spoken in years.
We had so much to speak of.
Our problems seemed identical.
Our past had varying degrees of similarity.
Our same sin being "We both missed going to Church today."

He spoke and spoke.
I listened and listened.
I spoke and spoke.
He listened and listened.
He told me how I rarely travel his route.
My stop arrived, I shook his hand, I alighted.

When my work was done,
I took my normal route.
And surprise of surprise the same soul I met.
We had not planned to meet on the bus.
Our paths would not have crossed for another three years.

He spoke and I listened.
I spoke and he listened.
He told me how he rarely travels my route.
My stop arrived, I shook his hand, I alighted.

I make no fuss to use the bus.
But I am stubborn to have not sought reason.
Here is a miracle that can annually occur just once...
It could only happen on All Souls Day!

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